Y is for Youth Projects

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youth-700x394Lions Clubs International promotes a wide variety of projects aimed at supporting young people.

Many Lions Clubs support a LEO club (promoting Leadership, Experience and Opportunities for young people aged 14-18, Alpha LEOs, and 19 – 28, Omega LEOs).

The Lions Quest programme (Lions Lifeskills in the British Isles and Ireland) provides educational materials for schools and youth groups on subjects such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and bereavement.

The Young Leaders in Service (YLIS) project encourages young people (12 – 18) to engage in community activities for which they receive gold and silver awards for 100 and 50 hours service respectively. A video created by an Academy involved in the project helps to highlight its benefits.

Young Ambassador for the 21st Century is a Europe wide youth competition aimed at finding the best examples of young people doing amazing things in their communities. The winners receive a bursary towards their projects.

The Lions International Peace Poster Contest is an annual contest for young people asking them to think about peace, each year has a different theme, and to produce a poster reflecting their thoughts.

In addition to this Lions operate an extensive youth exchange scheme providing opportunities for young people to visit other parts of the world staying with local Lions families and participating in Youth Camps.

If you would like more information or want to join Lions or just give us some feedback please fill in the form below

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